>>5336765"So, we finally meet face to face, little Shun." said Cao Ci with a wry smile. "You're quite smaller than I expected. I wonder what happened to that old hag-"
Cao Ci was sent to her knees by the weighted pommel of a Halberd slamming into her stomach courtesy of a avian headed daughter bearing two impressively large feather plumes on her crown. At the same time, a heavy crescent blade came swinging down on Cao Ci's bare neck only to stop short mere milimeters from the skin. The momentum arrested by the herculean strength of an impressively muscular long-haired red-faced woman.
"KNEEL." commanded the Avian.
"You will speak when spoken to." admonished the muscular warrior. "Such impiety will not be tolerated-"
"Elder Sister Lu. Elder Sister Guan. Enough."
The Jade wasps adorned on the two warrior's glow briefly enough for them to remove their blades and stand back as Shun peered into Cao Ci's face.
"I will say this once." intoned Shun. "You have two choices before you, Cao Ci. Either you submit to my dominion, or you perish."
There was silence in the hall as the court waited for the prisoner's answer. And then the prisoner began laughing.
"Death to the Empress!" Cao Ci declared. "May her reign rot in hell, her corpse ravaged by insects, and her soul raped by demons for eternityyyAAAAAAAHHHHHH-"
Neuromancy of the Mind-Control path combined with the explosive strength of a Generator's elemental fury forced every millimeter of Cao Ci's nerves alight with energy as Shun exerted her power to Cao Ci's pain threshold, and then past it. Her body unable to contain the influx of energy, Cao Ci's body first imploded, then exploded, leaving behind a soul gem in the shape of a pearl. Cao Ci's explosive death wasn't the only death that occurred in the palace. At the same time, outside the main gate of the palace were the distant sounds of three dozen meaty explosions of what remained of Cao Ci's supporters.
Shun quietly willed the palace floor to roll Cao Ci's soul gem into her waiting hands, in which the empress then gazed at the pearl before swallowing it whole.
In the wake of Cao Ci's explosive death and consumption by the empress came the growing applause from Shun's court as the spinsters of the court as well as Shun's generals began heaping praise upon the child sovereign.
"Congradulations your highness, that is one less enemy to deal with."
"Your rule is now ever more secure."
"Congradulations your highness, May your dynasty last for thousands of-"
Author's note: Image has been spoilered just in case.