>>5471067"...It was moving, it was. The sky that is. Lightning danced along the cloudscape above, visible even through the unending rain that hammered onto the sailors' backs like arrows. Under deck, we were sheltered from the worst of it, but the unrelenting waves came crashing over the hull over and over again, seeping down until we were up to our knees in water. We had no choice but to climb the stairs up towards the deck. Many were sick and had to be helped, and even we young men weren't far from collapse, but we managed somehow. It's all a bit of a blur, see? Cause it was then that i saw it.
All around us the storm raged - *Writhed* perhaps, because everything was moving. The sea, the clouds, everything was twisting and spinning and spitting bolts of brightness that made my eyes burn. Everything but the ship bow, where everything was - unfathomably - calm. He kneeled there, still as a statue. His head resting against the pommel of that strange sword as the waves rose around him. Then he began to pray, and i swear to you, father, *every* man on that ship heard the words as clear as if we'd been attending Mass in Canton. I forgot about the storm - about the hateful presence behind the clouds - and found my lips moving on their own, praying alongside him. I don't remember them anymore....I don't think i have the *right* to remember. But i do know that his hymn carried a sense of indescribable wonder. A transcendent awe before the Almighty that i hadn't felt since i was a wee lad...
And as we prayed, Langlish sailor and Cantonian pilgrim side by side, a single light pierced the all-encompassing wall of darkness. It was like nothing i've ever seen before or since. As if a new star had been born upon the firmament. Maybe it was merely the darkness and terror of the storm, but to my eyes it shone brighter than the sun. Then, i remember the captain shouting something, and suddenly everyone was moving. Apparently they were setting course towards the light, but i was too transfixed by the miracle to notice.
The last thing i remember before the exhaustion and cold overwhelmed me was thinking that the star wasn't shaped like one. The light seemed stronger along the sides, and i thought.... I thought that the the twin rays extending outward seemed almost like wings..."
-Verbal eye-witness testimony of the alleged "Star of Adam", as scribed by Brother Marcelius.