The Green Knight kicks you hard in the gut, ripping his sword from you with a flourish of blood and gore as you clutch at the wound and struggle to stay on your feet. That strength… He shouldn’t HAVE such strength, even as well-trained and vengeance-driven as you presume him to be. The man is fighting, like… Well, like demon. And his voice… It is HIS voice, there is no mistaking it, but beneath it… The feminine reverb, the crackle of fire and whisper of unclean winds. He and the Succubus… They are in-sync, as they were not before, sharing a purpose.
“You took them away from us!” the voices roar. “You vile SERPENTS! You fucking LIZARDS! You just don’t know when to STOP!”
With that same burst of unearthly speed, the Greater Demon and Green Knight hurtle towards you, even as-fear0stricken beyond reason—you backpedal and lift your blade with flagging sword-arm to just barely block the next blow—and the next, and the next, as they rain down.
“If you scaly bastards would just LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE, they’d still be here! My father! Your mother! They died because you can’t just LET IT GO!”
You gnash your teeth, trying to choke out a retort through the blood, trying to even take in enough air to do so, but it is all you can do to parry, sidesteps, and block.
What will you do?
>Rally! Fight back They may be skilled, and swift, but YOU are the better swordsman… And as a Hexblade, you know just where to strike! [Sword Mastery, DC 15 due to succubus aura of fear]>Muster your Radiant Aura! Push them back, gain some distance… Though it will require the energies of the Red Dragon King to use such magic [Religion check, DC 14 to use the aura; Leadership DC 18 to retain control of your body]>Cry out to your Lightning Elemental to swoop down and stun them, so you can regroup and recover. You need a moment to breathe! [DC ???, but you will get a chance to escape and to plan]>Write-in