>>5389708>>5389714>>5389716>>5389727Random notes I made:
- In Akkadian, Creation is called Ea, E-A, House Of Water, eg E-en-gur-A, House Of Subterranean Waters. But apparently, water can also mean semen. It is entertaining to read through the entire epic replacing the concept of water with semen. So when Gilgamesh chases the Path Of The Sun and sails through outer space, the Waters Of Death... it is a semen spaceship.
-I mentioned before about how the Warhammer Eight Pointed Chaos Star came from Moorcock / Elric Of Melnibone, and how Moorcock probably took that from Ishtar's Star, and Babylonian symbolism (I realise now that Elric's war cry of May You Writhe Forever In The Higher Heaven is also a phrase that sounds a bit Sumerian / Akkadian / Babylonian). But the official name of this Eightfold Chaos Star is now revealed - it is called a Dingir and it is divine determinative, a cuneiform symbol that appears before the written names of gods and demons.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DingirThe interesting thing about this is it reminds me of pointers in C++ (asterisks denoting a reference to memory location)
-Pic related is Tzeentch actually no it is an apkallu of Sumerian mythology. And everyone knows Nurgle is Nergal, the great Lord Of Pestilence and War of the Mesopotamian deities.