>>6203509You want paranoia, I'll give you paranoia.
Whatever photo this old lady wants (if she really is an old lady), is gonna be low enough in resolution thanks to the age of her camera that photo manipulation will be all the more believable. Dent wears that hat, who the fuck knows what somebody might shop onto it to make him look bad publicly. Granted, that assumption is probably unwarranted as there are plenty of people here taking pictures and videos with high resolution smartphone cameras to contest such a thing.
If we roll back to the hidden gunman angle, the hat could also be used to designate a target (think pic related), though that still doesn't explain why it would be necessary. Anybody gunning for Dent should know exactly what he looks like, right? The hat wouldn't be necessary in that case, unless the gunman was from out of town or unable to follow complex orders...food for thought.
Then there's the little old lady. Her story just rubs me the wrong way, ya know? Anybody out for Dent would know he's a bit of a narcissist and looking for any PR wins he can get. This whole bit with the hat from his old DA run feels tailor-made to take advantage of that, coupled with the fact that she asked for a photo op right after.
All that said, it COULD still just be exactly as it appears to be at a glance, as nothing I can see from Mark's point of view directly contradicts the old lady's stated intentions. Regardless, no reason not to entertain the notion of somebody falling victim to an elaborate plot against them in Gotham of all places.