>>6190808I did a little research into you after you started shitflinging again. Anon
>>6190784 is right, your quest was Dynamic Kid Quest. It's here on sup/tg/:
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Dynamic%20QuestAnybody who actually takes a look at it will notice two things:
>It ran from October to November 2016, i.e. eight and a half(!) years ago>Threads were much shorter back then, so even though there's four threads archived, OP ran for the length of about one /qst/ threadThe fourth thread is misarchived, but .moe has it here:
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/786063/#q786063If you click on the .moe link, you can see that there wasn't even any drama in the quest itself. The playercount just fell off naturally due to factors I don't care enough to interpret, but probably because it was generally mediocre. Maybe it wasn't advertised well. I dunno. What has OP buttblasted years later is that it got randomly entangled in drama between TrickQM and Cosmic, two asshole oldfags active, I repeat, EIGHT YEARS AGO. You can see the drama in this QTG, but it's not even interesting:
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/772634/#791710. Either Trick, Cosmic, or some shitposting bystander then downvoted the perfectly mediocre Dynamic Kid archives for no reason. This is sad, but not sad enough to warrant this.
The truth is, this schizo ran some mediocre quest that petered out in the equivalent of the first thread, OVER EIGHT YEARS AGO, and is still so psychotically buttblasted about it he has to shit up every QTG he gets his hands on. He has been doing this for OVER EIGHT YEARS. He has been doing it since BEFORE I started my quest, which now has dozens of threads. Check out this screenshot from 2019.