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The moment you walk onto the Camp grounds you're watched, and not just because you smell like an old shoe.
You have poity ears, yer front teefs iz poity, yer green, n yez haz munny.
You act poor, walking quickly to the bazaar area, where most of the trading is. Most of it is crafts n eats; just one or two smol places selling kludge weapons and wear, a little better made than what you can do, nuffin speshul. No tooly or zappy or potty potion stalls; you guess those might be too valuable to set out, and too useful when big foits are within half-day's march.
You keep your elbow brushing the Grain pouch at your side, one hand on the shoddy axe.
You buy a ball of very fluffy how DUZZ dey doit fried dough flavored wiv nunyunz n buddah, glazed wivva sinnimin shuggah from one stall, and a Biggy Tot by Rhea standards; 3/4 pint of Tabler ale; low alc beer warm-fermented with spice bitters from the next one along; run by relatives.
"<span class="mu-g">Ngaaaah! Datz va stuff!</span>" The proprietor of the Tabler smiles at you, the twinkle in his eyes frozen.
"Another dram, traveller? Have another! Half price, for a thirsty Rh...er...Dw...Traveller! Fancy a roast quail with it, traveller? Goes a treat. Three grain the lot; my pal Dretlund runs the roast pit, he'll wink."
Ohh, here it comes. Here's the try. You act cool, like you're Humie dumb. You give him your best happyface.
"<span class="mu-g">Haff pwice! Wivva roast quwayal wazza quwayal?? Yowzaz, I could do anuvvah. Yer on, BeerBoss!"
"Ahh, first! That'll be a Grain for the Tabler, two for the quail."
"vech, zure, zure..." You take up the Grain pouch, count out three like you're real stupid. The BeerBoss makes a point of not looking your way while you're touching money; you feel the eyes at your sides and back lighting up.
You pass him the money, he tops your tumbler again, and a bearded Rugfoots slightly older and fatter than him passes him a smally fatty roast bird on a wooden spit; their eyes don't meet, their mouths tight closed, both acting hassled, meddling with random things infrunnadem to look busy. Cahoots. You soak it allllll up. Good thing the booz is weak: your eyes are clear as river rain.
A minute after you bite into the bird dizziz fuggen GREAT! Itz ALL crunchy uppy, even the bones! N itz gotzis munchy veggy stuffen! WOW!! you feel your belt is lighter; you brush the place where your coinbag was, with your elbow: gone! So! DATZ how itz dun!
When you bought your first drink, the BeerBoss have you the tumbler first before taking your munny; that's showing trust to get trust!
VENN, an offer! So <span class="mu-i">genrus</span>! You'd be a fuggen DUMDUM to refuse! So you take it, revealing where you put your coinz, and VENN, anuvvah sneeki! They hold out a Tabler in one hand, a quwayal in the uvvah, so yez reach out two hands to get it, and <span class="mu-i">datz</span> where they got <span class="mu-i">you</span>!</span>