Rolled 15, 4 = 19 (2d20)
Rolling for the success of the other groups.
Rolls: A / B
>>5220863yes, fuck, you asked me this last thread and i forgot.
Rest = [1 Aberrance] (Range: self) (Using this spells gives you half the sleep you need a day.)
(The second time you use it a day, you will need to make a corporality roll DC 20 for it to work, the aberrance is spend even if it fails.)
(Prolonged used may have adverse effects.)
>>5220990you can, dont worry
>Lets go back, next day we continue.>>5220863>>5220912>A public administration building>>5220878>>5220903>>5220968I will begin writing
I will be able to run this quest till friday.
After that i'm not sure when i will be able to pick it up.
Maybe after a month and a bit, wont make promises.
So if you have questions that will be iching you until next thread, i will try to answer without spoiling the future events.