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Clearly, the time has come. Things have never been so dire. Even when the Baalathi attacked with their probes and capsule and threatened to end the Jaxtian space-age forever, the problem came from without. Even when Ingar's killswitch activated, it came from one insane man- the threat was a rogue AI, once again, an enemy to fight with other Jaxtians hand in hand. But now, the other Jaxtians are the threat. Political and ideological degeneration- a threat never before seen after Akules time.
Bad actors can be killed. Their families scattered to the wind, to ensure their genetic lines end with them. But how do you kill ideas? Can anyone do that? Not since the time of liberalism and democratic thinking has the Jaxtian race ever been as perched on the precipice of destruction.
You feel the cold metal and slip it onto your face. <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">You are Wrix Val and you will seize the reigns of power once and for all!</span></span>
Yes! <span class="mu-i">Yes!</span> You peer around the room and see the guards shake- trembling with the visage of their killer, predator, master, rapist, destroyer, dominator- looking right back at them. They don't see a blonde underneath the mask- they only see... <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">The Unspeakable!</span></span>
You are now <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Jale Berax</span></span> and you are about to do something <span class="mu-i">extremely illegal</span>.
You are currently at the Hegemonic control center- is where the life machine was kept after Cijan's crusade among the stars. And also, after last night, where his body was kept. Things have been so busy the new Supreme Ruler hasn't even made funeral arrangements.
This all started then, during the <span class="mu-i">Reconquista</span>. You flew with Cijan on the Bite of Batool and found an ancient artifact on one of the Hazaar worlds- a machine that was said to grant life to those who used it. You fully admit- you asked to be the test subject for purely selfish reasons. You were getting old- and you wanted to be young again. But to be fair, you're an Alpha male, and not especially smart one at that. All you have going for you is your body and your strength- which is the way you proved yourself. Then, Cijan noticed you and became something more. Hired on by Bluey to serve in the Hazaar hybrid project- a covert agent on alien worlds- a commando- and later a movie star too. Getting old has a way of taking that away from you- in a way that made you feel like any risk, even the risk of getting turned into some horrible alien fleshmonster, was worth it. But that didn't happen.