>>6095881Hmmm, I can't see very well in the dark, but they look like lightbulbs to me! Very dirty though, they almost look like the lightbulbs in my grandpa's old warehouse. Hah~, good times...
>>6096386Well I didn't really get a good look at its legs... come to think of it, I couldn't hear any footsteps either when it walked away...
>>6095746I don't see why not! Let's see... some ripped open protein bars, a dead crab- Ah, it's another one of those keypad radio recorder thingies! Guess I might as well press "play" on this one too...
>["Hey Johnson, this is Mark again. Sorry for not calling you directly but I can't risk the higher ups hearing about this. For the love of god, get Jessica and her filming equipment out of there. I don't know how, but she keeps managing to evade security somehow, there must be some unknown entrance that leads down there that only she knows about, either that or she dug a hole all the way from the surface, I wouldn't even be surprised knowing her brand of crazy. Whatever the case, you have to get her out ASAP! No matter how many times I warn her she won't listen to me! If the stuff crawling around down there doesn't do her in, the higher ups will. Again, sorry for asking you to do this, I hope you guys can figure out where the radio waves are coming from so we can finally hang out again. Remember to not call me back from this device, and don't tell anyone else about this! ....Good luck."]Well, that didn't really tell me much... Oh look at that! There was a weird floppy disk looking thing under the keypad... thing! My mom used to save some stuff on floppy disks, apparently it's the safest way to guard your files from (Them)! Using the red blinking light from the keypad I can see it says "Lv 2 Clearence" on it. Interesting...