Quoted By:
Rolled 54 (1d100)
>TALK: "This might be the worst idea ever. But it calls to me."
>Pass the "C" EXTRACT VIAL to the CAPTAIN
>"I'll be needing this back afterward, yeah?"
[A PRACTIONIER'S CALLING] "Remember, a drop every day keeps the scurvy away." After all, the distemper of the sea follows all men under all stars when the diet is ill-balanced. As expected in these strange times.
The Captain snatches the vial out of the air. His only reaction to that information is to let out a little hum and to wave you off.
You only make it a few feet away from the Crawler before you notice that someone's walking right behind you.
"Hmm?" You turn.
"What?" MUNCH gnashes. "You'd rather just leave me with the CRIPPLE and that OVERSIZED JUICEBOX? I'm coming with, EGGHEAD."
>MUNCH's Rapport aspect is revealed.
>RAPPORT: ****.
>[BACKUP - You can count on me.]
You let out a squawk of laughter. "Then fall in and follow me, cunt."
You take one more look upwards. The sheer scale of this thing is utterly beyond any landmark you've seen during your yils underground. It feels as though it might just crush you with its impending size.
In silence, you reach out a hand without any fear and
>TOUCH the Obelisk.
>FORTUNA rolls for FORTUNE. (Anything can happen!)
>XOM looks on with growing interest...