>>5474469>>5474685While it's all well and good that you have some distance from that thing, you need to find somewhere else to stay while you wait out the clock. There's a couple promising places outside but, well, it's cold out here, and while you doubt the heater is gonna be on anywhere given your lack of electric, it'll still be better than out here. Maybe if you're lucky you'll just be able to hole yourself up somewhere with a cover.
Before you can try to achieve that unlikely wish however, you actually need to get into a house. And given that you've already left your house behind that, uh, poses some difficulties. You hopefully approach the back door to the house you're in front of, but it locked. ...Guess that leaves you one option.
Wind up, aim, swi- wait a minute, wait a minute, if you just swing and it works you're going to get fucking showered in glass, aren't you. Hell, depending on what the shrapnel hits that could get you before the monster does. Move to the side, move to the side, hesitantly hold the thing out and thrust. You're gonna try and get a hole in the window so that you can more gently clear the rest of the window out without it's materials, well, flying out at high speeds in every direction towards your delicate, delicate, body parts.
THUNK. A crack. THUNK. Many more. THUNK. And a hole forms, causing some glass to fall across the countertop on the other side of the window. From there your work gets a bit easier, albeit nervewrackingly time-consuming. Each thrust of the club makes an extra hole in the glass, which essentially just falls onto the countertop. Your vision constantly flashes between the window, to aim your thrusts and see if anyone or thing inside the house was alerted, and your fence, to see if the thing hunting you has started coming your way, but for the time being it seems nothing is happening on either front.
After a very nerve-wracking couple of minutes, you have a hole large enough for you to get through. With a sweep of your golf club along a couple edges of the windowpane you get rid of any sharp bits of glass along the edges that could dispossess you of your blood, and then consider your method of entry. Your first instinct would be to go in on your hands but, uh, the countertop is covered in glass and you aren't wearing gloves. Go in leg first and slide across the counter on your butt you guess? There's not enough space for you to go in standing and while you REALLY don't like the idea of getting glass in your ass it at least wouldn't be a crippling injury.
As a last precaution you sweep your golf club across the now exposed countertop a couple times, trying to move as much glass out of the way with the handle with possible, before making your way in. You certainly feel a few unpleasant pinpricks in your bottom, but you do your best to avoid putting all your weight on the counter and slide yourself across it quickly.