>>5534776>>5534857You tell her about the old man. The more she hears, the more disquieted she is. When you say one of his eyes was out of focus, she puts her drink down. Sucking in air through her gritted teeth, she breathes out through her nose. "That... He's been handled. Don't worry about him showing up again. He won't." When you ask if she knows the two men that came calling, the Doctor further sets her jaw. "No. They did not work for me. But that tells me a lot. I think I know those men, and if I'm right, I can get them out of the way too."
All of this is sounding like lethal euphemism, and Meryl expresses similar discomfort. The doctor picks her glass back up and quaffs the remaining half-drink, flinching as if she had bit into a lemon. "Placing them at that hotel might be a thread I can pull to unravel this bullshit shadow war."
<span class="mu-b">"Are you okay?"</span> Meryl asks, awkwardly looking around for any sign dinner is about to start.
"No." Sheridan looks at you with hard eyes. "All you need to know is my father and your grandpa left Yggdrasil for the same reason." Why would she bring up her- Suddenly, it all clicks. She came from a funeral of her estranged father. The old man you saw was supposed to have died ten years ago. He fits the criteria, especially if she was born illegitimately.
Thankfully, Daryl arrives. He's never casual, wearing a polo shirt and slacks, complete with belt and dress shoes. He steps in, unsure what to say if anything. You use the opportunity to take Meryl's hand and grasp it to help relieve some of the tension. She smiles softly, akin to a cat being scratched behind the neck. Once she seems soothed, you stand up. <span class="mu-g">We're headed out.</span>
<span class="mu-b">"Enjoy!"</span> your fiancée waves. Dr. Sheridan says nothing. Your brother nods. Dinner is served just as you two head out to the car.
Daryl is driving, but no words pass between you as you both step in and put on seatbelts. There's no question why- your brother is envious of you. It's not that he wants Meryl- he doesn't. It's not that he wants your job- he has a better one. It's not even that he wants your physique: He's a skilled athlete and a perfect pretty boy. He wants what he sees as your ability to live effortlessly, succeeding at everything you do.
You failed early and often, even when you were experienced. But you never let it get you down, and you made sure you were never taken off guard due to being lazy. He just doesn't seem to understand how much work you put into everything- but that just might make him angrier.
By the time you look up, it's almost halfway to your destination. A quiet car as the city rolls by.
<span class="mu-g">...</span>
This silence is getting painful... Now what?
>"How's school going?" He's trying for a Master's in five.>"Mom wanted me to talk to you..." She found the stash, Daryl.>"Can we just talk?" About nothing in particular.>"Found any cute chicks ice skating?">[Write-In]