Rolled 10, 3, 3 = 16 (3d10)
>>5740135Slight amendment to plan, I don't want to get shot before getting to Haile.
>TurnRolls: spotting, init, intimidation roll
>Fire: Flare pistol at crabs to grab their attention and chase us>Move: SW, SW, W to aa46----
>>5740172I'm happy to have you with me Jonah, but I think I'm 1 move speed ahead of the crabs and they may catch you if you follow directly behind me. Maybe position nearby so we can use your smoke to escape the monsters?
>>5740258As Walter climbed out on top of the cupola, loaded flare gun in his hand, an epiphany struck him. So what if these hideous monsters held the secret to early male pattern baldness. He had never felt better. It wasn't adrenaline, it wasn't the absence of fear. It was *purpose*. Like he had been meant to do this his entire life.
The Force that connected all living things and guided his hands.
He was going to show them, he was going to show them all.
"His pants are off."
"Walter, you switched off your pants! What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm all right."
Trusting his instincts, he fired his flare pistol, and then he proceeded to moon the abominations at the edge of the treeline.
The stupidity would be with this one, always.