Quoted By:
Rolled 14, 19, 19, 19, 2 = 73 (5d20)
Your resolve stiffens – this is the moment you have been waiting for! You ruthlessly crush your doubts and take stock of your surroundings. Charima and Myrethuia are both pawing at Damachides’ chest, seemingly unaware of the fact that he still breathes, wailing in despair. The servants themselves are frozen – portraits of agony, despair, terror. Beyond the gaggle of concerned Damachideans surrounding you, it is pandemonium – fistfights have broken out amongst the attendees, many of the women have fled entirely, and you distantly hear Corcyrus thundering orders to the spearmen to drape a net around the theatre grounds in a gambit to locate Kekosalos – he must have slipped away despite their best efforts. Hard-hearted Eris has alighted here, on the hills of Damachides’ estates, and the ampoules of Kerberos’ Slaverings all but sing out to you from your leather bag.
<span class="mu-i">This is the moment!</span>
Rising head and shoulders above the huddle, you gild your voice with the brazen notes of command, and pronounce the following:
<span class="mu-b">”Servants! We need boiling water, bandages, wine and a stretcher to carry him!”</span>
They stare at you blankly for a moment, stunned – until you clap loudly, emitting a loud CRACK, belting out a second <span class="mu-i">GO!</span>. They may not know you, but they recognize the voice of nobility commanding them with utmost confidence in their obedience – they abruptly spin and charge out into the night to find what you requisitioned.
>Deainira automatically passes her difficult CHA attempt against the servants between her natural bonuses and the effects of Dionysian Frankencense (the servants are otherwise sober).
Myrethuia and Charima turn to look at you, disheveled and dismayed. Charima’s face is yellowed, sickly, under the light of the bright-tressed Selene – her youthful beauty distorted. Myrethuia, too, looks deeply concerned – but you see a reptilian gleam of self-interest crawling behind her eyes as she refuses to meet your gaze. You had hoped that some within the οἶκος would not mourn Damachides’ passing – and Myrethuia’s reaction is proof that you had guessed well.
>okay, /qst/, give me a dice+2d20+4 against Charima and Myrethuia’s WILL. This is a purposeful deception on Deianira’s part, so it’s a combined (INT+CHA/2 or (3+5)/2) roll against Charima and Myrethuia’s INT+WILL (to detect the deception/be persuaded to leave Damachides in a time of crisis).
>Charima is rolling to resist with a –2 modifier and an extra die (-3 INT due to booze, -3 WILL due to booze, another -3 WILL due to the DF. Her current INT bonus is -4, her current WILL bonus is -1).
>Myrethuia is rolling to resist with a +1 modifier but no extra die (-3 INT due to booze, -3 WILL due to booze, another -3 WILL due to the DF. Her current INT bonus is +0, her current WILL bonus is -3. However, Myrethuia has a relevant trait bonus (Handmaiden’s Awareness) to defensive social rolls, and gains an additional +2).