Quoted By:
"<span class="mu-g">Yer might fink dats bad roit? No: itz gudd, sez Dulugtangor: now we got Majjikk Matts. Make lotsy zappies. Train up a Shammy Mobb.
OverBoss likes the sound of dat. A Shammy Mobb. Used to be us greenies have one Shammy or suchlike in a whole biggy mobb.
If we haz a <span class="mu-i">Shammy</span> mobb we'll be a roit bossy waaagh, wouldn't we? Sounds gudd.
So the scouts keep dying, and Dulugtangor gets his Shammy Mobb, until there's no moar scout mobbz left, juzt Clewfinda by his lonesome. All the scouts wots left slouched off to the Scrappa Krewz or Woof Ridaz or Lab In-Turnz. And Clewfinda still alive, still scouting raidz, doing the same numbaz. Makes yer fink if he reely ever needed the scout mobbz widdim.
Makes yer fink if he didn't lead em into no-out Fighty jumps jurzt ter kill em.</span>"
You think like he tells yer. You reely fink.
Dokk pours moar tea. Crumbles dry bay leaf inna, for posh.
"<span class="mu-g">I know yer not frum uz, Toady. Yer nart normal. Yer running a game here. Durnt know what ittiz. Durnt care. I juzt know you're not wiv Dulugtangor, or he wouldna thrown yer ter Boog; and I know Dulug darnt fink yer much a threat, or he woulda kept an eye on yer.
And now I know yer kunnen, n killy, n klevvah. Mebbe krazy too, n mebbe dat ain't bad. Keepz people gessin.
I wantz yer ter trail Clewfinda. See what he does scouting solo. See if he talks to anyone wots not Green.
If he jumps yer, do yer fing.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Killem.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g">If yer can.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Watz he got. Kit. Tricks. Zappies.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g">He's got a elf-scale undershirt. Rare metal. If your uzing cuties, don't go for the body; face, neck, below knee and elbow, all open. He gotta leaf-noiff, pretty sharp, goes light white glowy when he takes it art; gotta zappy, makes him poof disappear, even his smell. He might have moar, unknown.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Wuzzee look loik.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g">Loik yer, a Gobby; an old, uggo Gobby.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">I ain't old.</span>"
Dokk's eyes twinkle fiercely.
"<span class="mu-g">Egg<span class="mu-i">zact</span>ly. Derr <span class="mu-i">are</span> no old Gobbies. Gobbies grow up to Yobbz, Yobbz to Oiks, Oiks to Orcs, Orcs to Oogerz or Twollz or sumn else. Gobbz darnt <span class="mu-i">gett</span> old. Even a Red Green loik yer is less weird than an old Gobb. I'z sussen he ain't a Gobb at all.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Zat roit. Where yer plantn me Dokk.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g">Gityeeta'z my ladd from the foot scout days. Bosser of a mobb of Axx Chukk Oiks now, supports the Woof Ridaz. He knows what's up. You won't be close to Clewfinda straight orf, but he'll be abart. Stay onnim. Report back if yer find anything.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Yer ain't skurrd va ShammyBoss twigg on dat it'z yer prodding me. ? </span>"
Dokk tapps the side of his schnozz.
"<span class="mu-g">If he do, den he in cahootz wiv Clewfinda. Carnt do nuffin anyway: wiv the Shammy Mobbz supporting, we can keep harvesting majjikk matts out of the dunjjons, keep breeding Gobbz out ovva whorepitz. We durnt need Clewfinda. If Dulug angy, Dulug does."</span>