>>5719616As if on cue, Hank’s backup appears from around the corner and immediately notices you talking to her road trip buddy. Cocking her head to the side like a glasses-wearing dog, the secretary quickly shrugs your appearance off and motions for Hank to follow her.
“Listen, man,” He stammers as he gives you a pleading look through his mirrored shades, “If I don’t make it back…”
Don’t worry, you interrupt with a warm smile, you’ll tell Cammy how you f-
“Wait, wha!? No, man!” The monitor-watcher sputters, “She’s just a friend, dude! I was gonna tell you to come save my ass! <span class="mu-i">SHIIIT</span>!”
Oh uh, right, you mutter, tugging at your collar as you try not to look at the <span class="mu-s">SECURITY CAMERA</span> pointed straight at you, you’ll uh… sure! You bet!
“Thanks, man. You’re alright.” Giving your fist a bump, the DisCo Goon follows Tina down the steps and towards the front door! Sparing one last glance your way, Hanks’ eyes briefly shift to the camera above you which appears to be staring back at him. Well, you sigh as the techie departs, you’re rootin’ for him…
“Sentiments aside,” Pepper whispers as she sidles up next to you, “Where are we headed, slick? We’re sticking out like a sore thumb up here…”
The bedrooms seem too risky, you hiss back as Raj, not one to be excluded, scoots up close to your other side, so you’re thinking we should check out Hauser’s <span class="mu-s">OFFICE</span> instead!
“Good idea…” Nods the journalist, “It’d be really handy if we knew where to look-”
“Right over there, my dudes!” Announces the skater as he takes you by the shoulder and points you to the door at the <span class="mu-s">WEST</span> end of second floor landing! How does he know that?
“Was talkin’ to Darren about it at the <span class="mu-s">SPORTS COURTS.</span> Said someone was trying to find the bathroom earlier and nearly got fried trying to get the door open!”
You and Pepper blink. <span class="mu-i">Fried</span>?
“His words not mine, bro…” Replies Raj as he places his hand on his heart! “Good news, though: <span class="mu-s">BATHROOM’S</span> like one door down across from the <span class="mu-s">SERVANT’S QUARTERS!</span>”
<span class="mu-i">Servant’s Quarters</span>, these One-Percenters, man…