Your phone battery is overheating again. The anime avatar of Bisho09 / Lil Guro the drill rapper is frantically posting:
Kospel? Kospel - you autist, what did you do... Where did you post all those details about bathrobewaif6969, I hope it was not on some degenerate anonymous site filled with cartel beheading / face peeling videos or tentacle anime that I do not watch or know or think about. I have just seen the strangest thing... Some guard came running out in complete panic, he was unarmed he did not have a gun... he ran out of the building and was undoing his helmet and babbling to the Paribus Foundation charity lady, something about a bathrobe person-thing with a gun... He was really frightened, he kept shouting about its face and its robes... Then there were these like tattooed goth cosplay people at the protest. They got really interested in this, whatever the guard was shouting about. They got up and approached the Paribus Charity Lady. The goth leader is a woman and they are having a bit of an argument right now, it seems like the Goths want to be let inside. But the guards are going to let them in! They look like terrorists, maniacs! They have all these axes and blowtorches or a flamethrower and some really weird guns, like old ones. I think like there are these twins with swords and someone else has a tank cannon or something. It must be fake! I really hope they are cosplayers. They look pretty angry...! And the other demonstrators are angry too, they do not understand why some Goths get to go in and they do not. It was just calm a moment ago. The crowd might start a riot again! What did you do Kospel?! You are to blame for this! I am going to put you in my next drill rap diss track!
>>5124402 phone battery drops from 24% to 14%. )