Outside's not better. It's clear <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Whose</span></span> temple this is. Either <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Hers</span></span> directly or an Aspect of <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Hers</span></span>.
The streets are clear, though. Nothing like the inside, packed full of shattered Bugg bits frozen in the rocks. Fully empty.
But you're not out of the unsettled feeling you got down below.
You start to feel like you're being - not yet watched - but starting to get looked for. Like when a Fighty One suddenly snorts in his sleep as you creep closer to his camp, and without opening his eyes or actually waking, his hand drops to the hilt of his sword, or his zappy stikk.
It <span class="mu-i">feels</span> like that.
The Temple is one of the main load-bearers in this part of the City.
The distant rock ceiling has a smally hole where The Glowy crashed through and into the Temple, made at great speed; The Glowy reacted and exploded bigly only inside the Temple propper.
You don't have much time, you feel; whatever you finna do, best do quick.
<span class="mu-s">[WAT DO]</span>
>Temple of BOOM: stuff the Sub Altar and the Temple full of candles, finish off what The Glowy didn't, and {POPUP} out the moment you set off your ring of charges. Taking no chances.OR
>LEWT Crusade: the rest of the City's intact; do an any%speedrun through their biggest buildings with your Pouch open. You can always try to blow up another load-bearing building if something happens. Giving no fucks. -10 PenaltyOR
>Raid of the Dark-Breaker: now you really REALLY want to see what BTFO'd the Temple and Her Thereof. You'll need to climb up a City Spire nearest the ceiling entry, then get Moar Oww to float you the last 30ft or so to get a grip. Balls=>Wall, Baybay! Icarus and Prometheus ain't got SHIT on (YOU)! -20 penalty<span class="mu-s">[R O L L]</span>