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>Get Delores and Vance to call for Aelderi/Rogue Trader reinforcements via the vox-caster.
You decide to get Vance and Delores to call for reinforcements.
Audrey proves useful for once since she knows some of the frequencies used by the Rogue Trader landing parties.
After quite a bit of trial and error, trying to persuade people you are legit, and being put on hold for long periods of time, you eventually get in touch with Trys’ta, who promises to reroute a few Aelderi to your position.
No doubt even a few Aelderi can make quick work against the Thorakara currently in the area, but you hope they show up before more Thorakara reinforcements show up, or the strange jungle raiders reappear, or someone inevitably rouses some ancient evil poking around where they shouldn’t.
Unfortunately you can convince Trys’ta to send a larger force, and instead decide to sit tight and wait for the few reinforcements Trys’ta has deigned to send you.
You pass the time eavesdropping on enemy vox traffic (inconclusively) and trying to cheer Audrey up (unsuccessfully).
Eventually reinforcements do so up, in the form of a single Venom with four occupants.
Naph’thala is there with her combat skyboard, though at some point she acquired a many-pocketed ganger vest for some reason.
Pelvic Thrust is also present, as is the strange rotund ursid xenos known as Snorlax.
Your heart sinks a bit when you see the fourth figure is Trys’ta’s younger sister, half-sister, fellow vatborn with similar genetic material, whatever, who goes by the name of Dren.
An ace pilot and heavy weapons specialist, Dren moves frequently between the Kabal and the Corsairs, even more so than her sister. Too contrarian to follow anyone’s orders for long, whimsically cruel, and fond of making others uncomfortable for the fun of it, Dren is definitely the kind of wild card you don’t need in a situation like this.
>Try to convince Dren to rescue Paula and the others (pick how you convince Dren and who you want to bring on the rescue team)
>Get your current group to safety before enemy reinforcements arrive
>Get some people to safety (pick who), organize rest for rescue mission