>>5190976You exchange a few more pleasantries with Lonicera, asking Amara to get her in contact with Paloma before parting ways, for now. You’re so immersed in the details of your burgeoning plan that it’s Amara’s exclamation that snaps you back to reality…and not a moment too soon, to witness a sight for sore eyes.
“JULIA!” Your ward yells, dashing forward as your teammate emerges from the Waystation. The Flesh Artisan’s comfortable out of her skin, her red musculature clad in a leather jacket and a pair of pants no doubt lent by the Hyenas, and a force nearly two-dozen strong follow your old friend out of the portal’s shadow. Ivey’s at their forefront, the Unnatural Predator towering above everyone else present with her wiry physique and her snarling grin, a cigarette dangling from her lips. A wispy girl’s just behind Julia, the Neuromancer or Conduit by the looks of it—Andromeda, you presume, though it’s the girl that brings up the group’s rear that gives you pause.
Jeraha strides off to one side, intently scanning the ramshackle town before her until her gaze settles on you, the Mayor of Laoc giving you a business-like nod at your approach, though it’s Julia who beats everyone to the punch as she takes two steps forward to hug you and Amara, both.
“It’s s-so good to see you both! I know it was n-not that long ago, b-but still!”
“I wish it were under better circumstances, but I’ll take what I can get.” You smile,
“Circumstances won’t improve until we end this, and Behemoth is yet another tally to be checked. What’s the situation, and where do you neeOHMYGOD!”
Laoc’s leader nearly hits the deck when she realizes Ziz is perched on the cliffs just behind her, and the titan sheepishly ruffles her feathers as Snowbird gives the group a sharp salute.
“They’re with us, Jeraha.” You hastily explain. “They’re here to help.”
“Ha! Never change, my friend!” Ivey cackles, throwing an arm around your shoulder and nearly yanking you off balance as she pulls you in for a side-hug. “So, who else we got? Not that we *need* anyone else with my girls and Jules here, but-“
“Isn’t it obvious?” Calls out a voice that curls around a smile like a knife’s edge. “She’s saved the best for last.”
Jackie slips from the darkness of the Waystation like a shadow, herself, followed by the rest of the Midnight Crew…but she’s hardly alone. The Barbers follow behind, with the groups’ leader Rosa is positively beside herself with the array of legends she’s currently surrounded with, while Sugar looks…half-asleep, actually. Paloma, Em, and Magnus bring up the rear, the Ikean Fortress’ leader beaming as she strides over to meet you but finding herself quickly outpaced.
“I’d say we have to stop meeting like this, but where’d the fun be in that?” Jackie smiles, her long legs carrying her to you as she rests her sword-arm on the hilt buried in her chest.