>>5744884>>5744885>>5744890You gulp.
Might is Right. No one ever had any rights other than those he took - and knew how to keep. You have skills. They are valuable. That mean you have to defend them.
You build a composure.
"First of all. Good day too you as well. So nice of you to spy on a young woman just doing her thing. And which one here is your follower?
- He is."
Of course. The robes. They are five or six of them. All of you walk out. You start to wonder if you made a mistake.
"Four on four?
- You challenged me. I'll pick the rules. Full team."
Either he had more than four Pokemons, meaning
a fair amount of badges, meaning you don't stand a chance anyway, or he doesn't. You won't give away that advantage.
>Go, Apu>Go, Bubbles>Go, Cinnamon>Go, Dixie>Go, Espresso>Go, Fay