>>5659955“I’ll go.” Felix says. “With the Aegis Shield I should be okay. And I haven’t met an archer yet than can contend with me in close range.”
Rodrigue nods. “Felix is a good choice to lead the charge. With an elite vanguard that possesses high physical defensive capabilities, as well as his Hero’s Relic, I believe he can succeed. Once the tower falls, the rest of our army will begin marching south, towards the Empire’s main camp here, nestled in between these ruins. This army will contain Dimitri, Annette, Sylvain and Mercedes. Felix, you’ll rendezvous with them after the tower falls. With five Hero’s Relics, you should be able to fend most of the small fry away, while also dealing with any Demonic Beasts you might encounter.”
“What of the Alliance?” Annette asks. “How do they factor into this?”
Rodrigue pauses before continuing. “While we have no alliance with Leicester, we have no cause to battle them as well. So long as they stay out of our way and focus on attacking the Empire on their front, things should be okay. In fact, if the Alliance winds up taking the bulk of the attention away from our own men, all the better. It means getting through to Edelgard will be all the easier. Still…” Rodrigue trails off. “In the event that Claude were to try something underhanded against us, I believe it may be prudent to have a small scouting party in play to warn us. A group with high enough dexterity and speed to be able to outmaneuver Claude’s own scouts and report back to us.”
“What is our role in this?” Ingrid asks, gesturing to you.
“You’re to stay grounded until the tower has been dealt with.” Rodrigue answers. “It’s far too dangerous to send you out before then. Once it falls though, you and your knights, along with the Blackwings, are to counter the enemy’s own flying units. The Empire will have no shortage of wyvern and pegasus knights at their disposal, and they’ll all be trying their hardest to hit our backline and sow discord. You need to keep them off our flanks, and make sure the skies are clear. Once you do so, your task will then be to identify and eliminate key targets. There will be several high-level commanders and soldiers in play here. Eliminating even one of them will help pave our way through to Edelgard.”
“Understood.” Ingrid says.
>“Very well.” You say.“Blair, I understand that not all of the Blackwings are mounted fliers.” Rodrigue says. “I’d like to borrow some of your soldiers for our attack on the tower, as well as to assist our scouting party on the Alliance’s flank. Is there anyone that you could recommend?”
>Choose two Blackwings to assist Felix in his assault on the sniper tower.>Choose two Blackwings to monitor the Alliance and report any trickery.