On an era of unmistakable progress ,one exception remains : The Holey Moley are too elusive for the Whitemane tribe.
West of them, the Cerulean have two breakthrough.
First is the Taming of Gliders.
>69!Mainly kept as comfort pets, selected for their mating chirps, those critter are low maintenance and soon Nest are accomodating a Glider-porch.
Second is their scouts, after struggling close to home, found the IceyOnes territory.
>97!Knowing they could not make it back in their lifetime, they even built a village, including Mirrorhall gate, to keep the link alive between the village and the mother tribes. Their reports are, as follow !
IceyOne are numerous - no more four legs in the vicinity.
IceyOnes are savages. They live like the wildlings you saw previously, only making peaks and valleys resonate with their songs.
IceyOnes are beautiful. Most of Cerulean wants to give their testicles to Icey matriarch, get testicles of Icey males. They refrained for now.
Finally, your scouts report strange, unseen phenomenas : North from their position, large portion of the rocky crevace of the Crack can instantly get swallowed in ice, which slowly reced over time.
>>6004319Ghostclaw painting - 40
The Ghostclaw clan developped their own painting style. Overly simplified, members drawn as traits similar to the stove grove lianas, lianaHunter drawing style is born.
>Protective runes : 95Using a sculpt similar to your prized jewel, merging Lightning Rock on stone totem Fourbeak tentacle-shaped over your land is an efficient countermeasure to the dreaded Badback's webway - your most astute psyker say so. Each Noble keeps build their own tentacle, and eventually they spread over your noble's vassals.
This effectively cut out the link between Jupiter and Badback's tribe at the end of the current Era.
Of course, you can lift that restriction - but letting them just walk on your Lightning Rock territory? The matriarch believes it's too much.
>Tame your Kraken : 29It might be a lack of luck. It might be foolishness to tame an Apex. But facts are the only things you get by attempting this bold move is a few of your better Hunters short of ears, eyes and limbs. No death to report, and nothing good meals would prevent to regenerate.