>>5793235“Lord Ainz!” comes a woman's call, you looking up to see the portal to E-Rantel, capitol city of the Sorcerer Kingdom has wholly formed and Albedo, Ainz' succubus assistant rushing through towards him.
“Great Rimuru!” another woman's voice calls, the purple suit-wearing Kijin rushing through to the slime man in much the same way. What is it with these otherworlders and having large-chested women obsessed with them? “It worked!”
“Impressive work, Crystal Sage.” Ainz says to you, a note of awe in his tone as he speaks. “I must admit, I did have my doubts as to whether or not your crystals could contain the flow of energy.”
“Nah, I wasn't worried it wouldn't work. I was more worried you'd gotten the ley lines mixed up.” Rimuru comments, still seeming completely relaxed and not lowering his hands. “That you'd managed to combine them with these sites where the intersect is quite impressive. Are you sure you don't have your own version of Great Sage or something?”
“No, but having one does seem useful.” you reply to him, sighing out and rising back up to your feet. “Would have probably seen through Ainz's deception, when we formed our truce back in the day.”
And as you say this both of them immediately freeze in place, going impossibly still. Neither being needs to breathe, so they stand perfectly unmoving. No rise and fall from taking in breath, no shifting of their eyes, nothing. And for several seconds, all is silent.
“Oh?” Ainz finally asks, breaking the deathly silence. “And what do you mean by that?”
“I mean that I've known for years that you aren't one of Lord Jergal's chosen, permitted to use necromancy.” you say, still in a casual tone. But from the corner of your eye see Rimuru's eyes darting back and forth between you two, clearly unsure if he should try and intervene or if he should get the hell away. “But that doesn't matter now. We've made our alliance, even if under false pretenses, and you've long held up your end of the bargain. And, so long as you do so, I will as well.”
“That's right, that's right, we're all friends here.” Rimuru says, interjecting himself and trying to defuse the sudden tension in the air. “C'mon guys, we just put our heads together and achieved something great, today's a cause for celebration, not fighting.”
“Haaah, you're right. But, I must ask: how? How did you see through my spell?” Ainz asks, no doubt wondering how his spell to hide his true alignment from you. To which you just grin, and say:
“I didn't.”