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]i][06:00 - x/20/4999 - Discussion on acquiring advanced power generation systems in effect...][/i:lit]
Nuclear power is dependable and strong, but we'd be lying to say that it will last us forever. True, the Woldorians last off of it, and have means of recycling the waste and used reactors. The difference is, Woldoria is a continent spanning kingdom and we are a small clandestine group. We've advanced in multiple areas that Woldoria hasn't, but we are stuck behind in power generation. The Deputy wants to upgrade the Nuclear reactors of our Bunkers into more powerful and exotic sources.
In this area, the Trinity is unrivaled. They have figured out how to utilize Ma Space to create exotic clean zero point energy generators that never run out of power and produce no waste, and how to condense and contain black holes to create dangerous but extremely optimized kugelblitz reactors that can be used to harvest exotic dark matter for ten times the power generation that nuclear fission and fusion reactors can give.
So, we've decided that we need to siphon that means from them.
Zero point energy generation from Ma Space, or dark matter and kugelblitz reactors.
The choice is ultimately the Deputies to make.
<span class="mu-i">Ma Space Zero Point Generators are slow but completely clean and don't require a lot of upkeep and will run indefinitely. They can even support wireless extensions and sources. The moment they shut down however, everything that depends on them will also run out of power. On the other hand, Kugelblitz are dangerous, because they are black holes. There are a ton of safety measures that will ensure the black hole is extinguished in case containment fails, but damages will be extreme if any occur. It requires constant attention and upkeep, but Kugelblitz will provide heaps more power than any other source, and the dark matter harvested from it is useful as a power source as well, or for using in weapons. But similarly, the dark matter is dangerous and requires special containment as well. Kugelblitz ensure there is power for the future, but can be costly in lives. Unlike the Trinity, we don't have millions of mindless drones to use on such things...</span>
>We should acquire advanced Ma Space Zero Point Energy technical data from the School of the Ascendant.
>We should infiltrate the capital's top dark matter university to gain the knowledge on Kugelblitz reactors.