Quoted By:
>You are Decorated Combat Veteran. From your enlistment at 16 to the present, you are an army man, through and through. You have served in every theater of combat in which Antegria has been present during your lifetime, collecting decorations along the way. Recognized as an exceptional leader of men, you have been plucked from your frontline unit to administer this conquered land.
They plucked you out of the trenches just for the ceremony. Absolutely ridiculous. The front was the real army, covered in mud, half-deaf from the artillery, and willing to do the impossible for their country and their brothers-in-arms. But that’s not what the politicians and the cameras like to see, so they drove you all the way back to True Glorian so that the Abumarov and Gregoriev could appear on TV shaking hands with a clean-cut and close-shaved General Liptsov gleaming with a thousand medals on his fresh-pressed suit. And now that the charade is over, they put you in a car and sent you back into the war.
You were born in Republia. When you were a child this was a cause for shame. It is different now, many recognize the wide extent of the Antegrian Patrimony, but in the 50s it was a mark upon you and upon your parents. It affected you, made you tougher, gave you something to prove. It was a large part of why you joined up, to show that you were a ‘true Antegrian’.
You killed your first man in the spring of 1962 during the Battle of Shchysky’s Peak. Your company was awarded the Order for Military Valor for its bravery attacking Republian mortar positions. Unconsciously, you reach to your breast and feel the slim bar covered with its smooth red fabric. It is one ribbon among dozens, each testifying to dedicated service in the defense of the Patrimony.