Alright time to wrap up preparations.
So, for these people deciding to actively participate in Halcini, for each of your subunits, I need you to roll a d10- ie, if you have 3 subunits, roll 3d10. If you roll below a 5, the subunit takes 1 damage, and if you roll a 1, you take 2 for that subunit.
In exchange you'll get a full EXP level no matter what you roll.
Infantry will be topped up before this, so damage taken by them will be applied "after" that.
>>5712179so there is no chance of living after this battle?
I wouldn't say that, necessarily. I'd just say that it would be rather difficult to do so. Whether you live or die it will be glorious. Or something like that.
>>5712361It's pretty neat seeing stuff like this. Different angles on the scale of it all, though I'm sure anybody trying to organize the administrative side of this battalion has chronic headaches.