Quoted By:
>You find Father Towbray a great spiritual comfort and guide in most aspects of your faith. But in this he is wrong. Salve Reginae, Mother of Mercy, was not ‘too kind’. Kindliness is a saintly virtue. When you pass the threshold into thereafter, it is she who will waits for you at the gates of the Almighty’s Halls, wrapping the wounds of your body and drying the tears from your eyes. This much is written in the Book of Brothers. Salve Reginae forgives all and, while earthly justice must still be delivered, no one’s soul is beyond redemption. No one. [Hearty] + [Idealist]
>Lady Frida Vancewell Advanced Favour: +6DC Intrigue/Counter-Intrigue, +1 Intrigue/Counter-Intrigue Re-Roll +1. Any double-pass in Persuade/Intrigue/Courtship will reveal whether that person is a Faction member. [Lady Frida Vancewell]
You think on Father Towbray’s words for some time, and find yourself daring to disagree with your confessor in this. You’re no theologian, doubtless your little sister Halina would put your feelings better into words on the matter. But you know this much, kindness is a virtue not a weakness. Far from it. Cain’s rage is righteous not because it is powerful, but because it protects the powerless. It is Right that makes Might, your forefathers knew this well enough to reinforce it in their heraldry. Cain was right to strike the Dragon down, but was Adam wrong to heed his mother’s wish and spare him? No.
This fallen world needs folk like Sister Ignatius, just as it needs men such as you to protect them.
If anything, the belief that forgiveness is not beyond any of you is a great comfort. Your hand self-consciously touches where the black-lace favour rests beneath your shoulder-plate. Although you try to lead a virtuous life, especially in light of the Angel’s attention, you know you are not without sin. When you pay your obeisance to the home where Salve Reginae, Mother of Mercy, raised her sons in Nova Cathagi… For your petty human failings… you will dare to ask for forgiveness.
Almighty Willing.
<span class="mu-s">-1 Step on the Path of Thorns [4]
<span class="mu-b">+1 Step on the Path of Adam [19]</span>
<span class="mu-r">+1 Step on the Path of Cain</span> [11]</span>