Quoted By:
"<span class="mu-g">Wazziz. Izza safe.</span>"
"Even if your Shifu said it divided your body and shattered your bones, dare you not wear." Well, since he put it like vat...
Then he points at you and <span class="mu-r">{Curse}</span>s you. The ring of beads n trinkkittz tightens around your body. You can adjust it, lift it off parts of you, even resling it on the other shoulder, but at least nine beads will always be stuck fast on your body. You feel like if you somehow tore it orf your meat and bones will follow.
"A useful experiment, reproducing their Mystic Arts. Trifling play. Tudi, I am going to teach you a few Chants. Learn and remember. With this Mantic Tool (Mo3 Qi4; also understood as Demonic Tool) you have no excuse for failure."
<span class="mu-s">[TOADY'S TRINKKITT]</span>
Additional spell Charges after the first are bought at 1/2 cost, rounded up.
Tag a target physically by touch to know their location for 20 hours
Tag a target with one degree of touch (ie Slingshot) to know their location for 8 hours.
Set a location you have explored as a POPUP. With one minute of chanting, vanish from your current location to that place, and feel fugged up for 3 minutes.
With 20 seconds of muttered chanting, turn ghostlike for 60 seconds (3 combat rounds)
In this state you are not able to interact with physical objects, nor they you.
You move in any direction at a slow walk speed, through all Mundane matter.
Magic attacks hit at 50%; Radiant attacks hit at 100% and immediately destroy the PILLOWSHEET
1minute muttering
For ~10 minutes you can sense Magic in a ~5 meter radius.
'TECT ZAPZAP makes no differentiation between Items, Persons (eg Genies and Faerie), Traps, Castings; you will have to guess by their intensity, position and movement (roll for it, with bonuses or penalties). On the plus side, almost no one can detect your casting even if they are the target.
5second chant, 25seconds chatty
Communicate with Seafood OR a person tagged by this charm within a distance of 81 miles.
Recipients apart from Seafood require you to speak in a normal Indoor Voice.
10second chant.
Does 3 dmg, and 1 dmg per turn the target is not free.
Target must roll 2Def1Act successfully. 1Def will be used up on this trap; YOU may jump in and get up to TWO autohits with Suicidey
A fraction of Gore Walker's monstrous Murderous Atmosphere (Sha1 Qi4) floods the room. Opponents and non-undead Allies suffer 2d6+6 penalty to Hit Chance and Dodge Chance for the duration of the fight.
Your bonuses from Carrionpede x2, lasting for x2 the number of levels in Carrionpede you have. Currently, +50% to Carrionpede bonuses for 1 turn, since you don't even have one complete level of Carrionpede.
<span class="mu-r">:::NOTE:::</span>
Seafood will not upgrade your Trinkkitt willynilly; avail only with major campaign successes.