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凸 & ರೃ:
The Ferris Wheel Familiar is not even a dot in the dark at this point, even though it almost cost Rita, who thinks this is a videogame, and Lucinda, who is tired of bullshit, their lives. Magical Girls, for ill or omen, are rarely aware of the true darkness of the dangers that they face. And so, Rita celebrates.
凸 <span class="mu-s">Rita</span>: <span class="mu-i">(M-MISSION C-COMPLETE!)</span>
Rita raises an open hand above her- but that's it. Her expression remains quiet and the rest of her body still rests. Lucinda looks up and the very idea of touching that hand makes her stomach turn and churn.
凸 <span class="mu-s">Rita</span>: <span class="mu-i">(I-It's a B Rank, Luci... not bad for a first run!)</span>
The elementary schooler's apparent enthusiasm demands a lot of imagination- which Lucinda, as she walks past, physically cringing, is simply unwilling to commit.
ರೃ <span class="mu-s">Lucinda</span>: <span class="mu-i">Do. Not. Touch. Me. I can and will kill you if you do.</span>
凸 <span class="mu-s">Rita</span>: <span class="mu-i">(But, y-you were just sitting on my shoulders!)</span>
ರೃ <span class="mu-s">Lucinda</span>: <span class="mu-i">Do you want to die?</span>
凸 <span class="mu-s">Rita</span>: <span class="mu-i">(No? But it still doesn't make sense.)</span>
Rita shivers: she knows that Lucinda was /this/ close to burying an elbow in her face. Thankfully, intention interpretation is made a lot easier when you can read minds, and Lucinda can at least check that she isn't being taken for a fool. The low-class beauty simply walks away- followed by Rita.
The steel frames overhead form consecutive arches. This makes the hangar-looking entrance look like the top half of a huge wireframe cylinder, holding glass and steel together through thin metal beams. The room it covers looks and feels like the entrance to a cinema; it even has manned stalls and staff. In here, none of the Familiars seem to mind the bright floating poster still looming over Rita's head. Perhaps once inside, that strange ticket they kill and die for loses its value.