>>6102658“And what of the location?” You ask, “Where is it? Is it another building like this?” You say as a shiver goes up your spine, and as you swat an all-too-large spider, you notice it climbing up your chair. About the size of your thumb, not even close to the size of whatever beast watches you from the shadows.
“It’s the river, actually. Specifically, the meeting location appears to be a currently docked houseboat. Xiao staked it out for a day and night, and there doesn’t seem to have been anyone inside for quite a while, most likely put there weeks in advance. I’m of the assumption you plan to follow one of us there, am I wrong?”
Just as you’re about to reply, you see the slime enter the room from an unlit doorway with what appears to be a plate on his head, carrying four different drinks and a pipe. Once he approached the table, Mikhail grabbed the dish and set it between the four of you, with a small word of thanks, “Drinks?” He asks before he takes the pipe and lights it with a minor spell. It stays locked in his jaw, and you think it’s only there for display before somehow he breathes it in, and smoke flows out of the many holes of his skull.
“What is it?” You question, the glasses are small with a tannish liquid sitting under a sphere of ice.
“Old whisky from the brewery’s previous owners. It’s about all we have to prepare for guests since our diets now differ slightly from the average humans. Unless you’d prefer the assortment of small critters and monsters Xiao keeps in the basement? Birds and mice mostly.”
“I’ll pass,” You say before something rather unusual happens. Inquisitor Corvus takes the drink and downs it in one long sip. Now, there’s a multitude of reasons you find this wrong, one, alcohol before a mission- a fight is rather unwise, two that could very easily have been poisioned, and three, alcohol looted from a brewery abandoned because of plague is most unsanitary.
“It’s good,” Is all he says.
“I’m glad. Most unfortunately, I haven’t been able to drink anything in years due to my obvious condition.”
“A disheartening ailment then,” The Inquisitor nods in understanding… What just happened?
Anyway, you return to looking at the armored skeleton and
>Ask him, or one of the others, something else [What?]>Agree to follow the slime to the meeting point>Suggest one of the other Strangers be sent to the meeting point>Allow the Inquisitor to come up with the plan. He technically outranks you here>[Write-in]