>>5830759The first instances of it were treated like a pox. It was easy to see why: the victims grew weak and sweary, experiences swelling of lymph nodes and around the groin, and pustules along extremities, in their mouths and around their eyes, and(some said) in the organs of those who succumbed. However, in your capacity as a Life Mage, you helped to brew the Potions of Purification, and to administer them to the afflicted, and you noticed two things:
One: the potions were doing remarkably little to alleviate the infection.
And two: the scabs more resembled SCALES.
You stared in horror and disbelief at the outstretched limb which accepted the potion—green with the ‘scabs’ in rough and reddened patches that were nevertheless OBVIOUS to your trained eye as patches of dragon-like scaled skin. What, by all the Gods Above, could it MEAN?!
Izirina Henzler’s birthday approached, and yet you were still alone—utterly alone, save for your drinking nights with Pearce. Those were increasingly infrequent, as the Archmage tripled security patrols and expedited him into a full member of the Order of Tower Guardians. You couldn’t even see your father—the Initiates’ District, as with most, was locked down save for special passes allocated to vital services and specific merchants and diplomats.
There was just you, and Muffins… And your books… And your thoughts.
What did you do?
>Used <Free Movement> to try to sneak into Izirina’s room, to speak with her and perhaps to free her>Demanded to speak to the Archmage, and to get to the bottom of this—of what was going on, and what had become of Izzy>Went to the Paladins and the Guard—it was time to expose this dark conspiracy!>Made your escape—or tried to, at least—with the intent to wait out whatever was going on, and to return when the coast was clear>Write-in