>>5314591>>5314604>>5314634>>5314857>>5314995>>5315028>>5315205>>5315494You thought about the food, would it not be better to order Ancel to taste it ? You told him joyfully.
-Ancel, my brave Ancel, you were a loyal servant and I wish to reward you. You can take a bit of all the food, taste every barrel see what is the best one, and it will be yours. Taste everything and choose a barrel or two bags of victuailles.
He began to bow and thank you saying.
-Hosanna messire ! Hosanna ! You are generosity incarnate ! Like the good king Saint Louis !
And while he began to eat, saying "Oooh" when he found grain or spitting out some of the strange pautatoes saying "pouah". You told your men.
-Soldiers, I am proud of your loyalty and I will reward you with a share of the loot for each man. Bohémond, Father François you can take a part too, supervise the sharing of the loot between the men oh, and do not forget a share of the loot for the family of Hunl Ucky, may his soul find peace.
The men cheered for their lord and you decided to ask Lady Sue why she was watching you with big eyes.
-My lady, may I enquire why you seem so interested in mine and Ancel's actions...
She looked at you.
-You do not know why ?
-If I knew it I would not have asked my Lady.
-Because this imbecile destroyed magical potions, and scrolls, very valuable scrolls that he used to wipe... Well you know what... They could do magic like conjure a fireball by reading them and...
You did the sign of the cross, it was fortunate that Ancel acted that way to save your souls.
-Then it is good that such devilish things are destroyed ! These are parchments of Satan and they should be burned.
She looked disturbed.
-But, do you realise how much they are worth ? It is at least 2000 or 3000 gold coins for all this loot...
It was one third of your treasury ! By saint Denis ! People were really ready to pay this much for some heretical junk. You wanted to answer but the brave Ancel was eating a kind of white powder and saying.
-Messire ! Messire ! Look at this bag ! It is delicious ! This powder tastes like honey !
Since he seemed not to die you decided to taste it and agreed, it was sweet, you wondered what this mysterious white powder was and asked Cop.
-What is this ?
-It is sugar my lord, you never saw it ?
A strange indian dish this sugar... And Ancel choose to keep the bag, well, you will buy another one, it seemed to be a kind of sweet grain that could be eaten in dire situations, or maybe it was better cooked, you thought about asking your cooks about it.