Dogs are barking. You look around frantically, and your heart pounding: there is nowhere to run to, you have backed yourself into the end of the hallway, and this closet door won't budge.
Two mastiffs enter the hall. Following them is a surly looking man, wearing noble garments, who holds the dogs back on leashes. He appears nothing short of predatory as he spots you with your handle on the closet door, his face pulled into an angry frown, and he begins storming toward you.
"Wait!" you say. "I am a guest, I was just looking around! I... I was told you would be waiting for me!"
"You are not welcome here!" His dogs follow at his heels as he closes the distance, his hands clenched into fists. He seems upset, nearly to an irrational degree. "This is not your home!"
>"Stop! I can explain!" (Deception, DC 16)>Same as above, but try to charm him. (Persuasion, DC 16)>Draw your longsword and strike the handle of the closet door, freeing the man inside. (Strength, DC 18 w/ Proficiency)>Look for an opening as he approaches; slip past him and his dogs, and bolt out of the mansion. (Dexterity, DC 16)>Same as above, but head to the bedroom you saw instead - maybe you can make it to the attic and pull up the rope and/or ladder so he can't follow! (Dexterity, DC 16)>Draw your weapon and defend yourself.>Use Channel Divinity (1/1) for Radiance of the Dawn. (>Cast another spell. (specify, and describe what actions to take if the spell succeeds)>Say something. (specify, Deception DC 16 if it involves deception)>Other (specify)