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"Alright Tom. Lets see what pokemon you have."
Tom tosses out Toxel... and thats still it.
"Couldn't you... get more pokemon?" You poke the purple lizard, the baby sticks its tongue out at you. You arent sure if its trying to be cute or rude.
"Well I was, then I got knocked out, and swept a room up." Tom says frowning. "And my name still isn't Tom."
"Fine... What is... Toxel-"
"Mr. Loud."
"What is Mister Loud good at?"
"Well... he is pretty fragile, and slow... But his attack hits REALLY hard."
You frown. "Well if hes fragile and slow... wouldnt he be knocked out before his moves?"
Tom gives a sheepish look. "...Yes? But I was looking for a defense pokemon to soak up those attacks! And... I didn't find one."
>Lets work on Mister Loud's speed, shoring up his flaws
>Lets work on defense, making sure Loud can counterpunch foes out of the way
>Okay... more walking! This kid needs a pokemon!!!
>Okay... is there anyone we can call on that switch who can walk for us? Maybe someone who owes us?
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