>>5971106>>5971147>>5971160>>5971251>>5971319>>5971525“Show us what to do, EoN.”
All too eager to help, especially when there are lasers involved, Kiro darts forward to snatch up the surgical tool and quickly begins lining up a shot at the floating sample.
“Wait, have you used one of these before?” The increasingly worried Tyllano asks belatedly.
“How hard can it be, just point and shoot right?” Kiro sticks out a forked tongue in concentration and begins to fiddle with the device’s settings.
“You need to brace yourself and use the joystick to adjust the aim.” Your Science officer quickly explains, “Just, wait for the targeting data, we don’t want to damage the sample any more than it already is! Dallas, what are you waiting for? Come help me!”
>Attempt to save the sample by helping EoN destroy the nanites.Shaking yourself out of your indecision, you decide to do what you can to save the sample from both a jealous AI and your over-eager brother. You take up the scalpel (more of a high powered laser pointer with a handgrip than a knife, really) and link your uniform’s HUD to the room’s network.
The visor’s usual green prompts appear and you can’t help but compare them unfavourably to your no longer functioning implant. At least your helmet can’t scramble your memories, you suppose. Interestingly, some preliminary data from the sample is being highlighted by the newly connected scanner. Two microscopic forms are displayed, one a familiar TPN Nanite the other a more organic looking but strangely similar grey specimen.
You don’t have time to worry about that though, as you can see the black patches of nanites continuing to grow, slowly but steadily consuming the sample while replicating itself in a way that should not be possible.
“Synced up, let’s do this!” Kiro exclaims enthusiastically, leaning over the laboratory table with his new toy in a two handed pistol grip.
“Focus on the large patches to start with, the scalpel should be able to automatically track and target those sections as long as you hold steady!” EoN explains, no time for her usual bluster.
She puts action to words and your visor darkens as she and Kiro begin to chip away at the suspended sample with bright red beams.