>>5748688“What if I could MAKE a place for you amongst the Master Race?” you ask, hopefully. “Give your status… A title?”
The Archer’s eyes widen, and if his skin were not so dark you think he might well blush as crimson as your pink-skinned human mate. He looks away, stammers in uncharacteristic self-consciousness, but eventually bows his head in gratitude… And shakes it.
“The Master Race should not—WILL not—bow to something like me. It is… WRONG. If you allow this, if you make it so, then what is their future? Your new Age of Darkness… I believe in it. I truly do! And I thank you for all you have done for me, and those like me, Oh Dragonborn… But Pureblooded Ones are few. Our position is weak. If we are to integrate the humans, and dwarves, and dark elves, in truth it is WE who will be integrated into THEIR ranks. They outnumber us ten, a hundred, to every one of ours… And in such an order, Degenerates will still have a role to play but if it is as rulers, that will mean our Master Race’s absorption.”
You are surprised at this level of insight, in truth. Ever a brave and worthy battle-brother, this Archer has never struck you as an ESPECIALLY deep thinker. As for the content of those thoughts…
“Would that not be good for you?” you ask. “Why would you not wish to be part of the ruling class?”
He seems to have no answer for this at first, and the question itself seems to make him uncomfortable. Has he been so long a servant and slave that he would elevate his masters, irrationally, at his own expense? The thought makes you sad for him, and you consider whether you might rectify it with prayerful meditation upon the Dragon Soul… But then he speaks up.
“I don’t know what is right for the Master Race… or for hybrids like me. It is not my… I was not trained for such things. But I know what you choose will be right. For our people… ALL our people… My faith is in you, Dragon King.”
He looks at you with deep respect in his eyes.
“It is enough to serve a worthy king,” he decides. “I do not need to rule.”