>>6043654>“...Heqet Hekwa. The Demon of Renewal, that which flows through the River of Magic.”>“The only thing that should have any sort of presence in there is the Promethean Chronicler, a simple artificial spirit programmed to act as record keeper.”...
I read the notes so hard it feels like I'm in the Froopyland episode, my bad!>>6043658>B. …We don’t need to kill Zelos, right? We beat him, broken one of his big projects, and gotten him to consider what he’s done wrong, so…>>6043663Supporting taking advantage of the last souls trapped in the Consciouness Grid to power up our friends.
>>6043677Supporting making Zelos a slave on pain of CUBE.
>>6043998I do like the sentiment of saying Zelos should value freedom more, which the slavery will help with, but I'm confused on the rest. When you say our universe works with mortals, majins, and demon realmers, does that imply that Zelos should too? Or are you saying we also do as Zelos does?
The reason I ask is because we found him in the middle of a council meeting with mortals, he was using a majin as a power source (but Majin demon gods and Majin magic people are different kanji, closest thing we have to demon gods are Darkness and Janemba), and one of his former coworkers was a demon, or at least looked the part. It's a very diverse tyrannical regime.
So is it fine if I support it partway?