I did make a mistake, yes. I also should have probably clarified how shopping works. I count your entire order as a single vote, rather than just the individual items. This is so that in the event you only want to buy one item and conserve some of your gold, you can. But it looks like I did mess up the count on this one, including not realizing what the last vote change was. Thank you for calling it out!
Fortunately, this isn't too big a deal, and we can just retcon Tristain's stats/inventory to have +2 Res instead of Magic, and the Iron Bow/Light Rune instead of Elfire.
>Elfire Tome/Spirit Dust>>6119435>>6119468 (open to either)>>6119484>Talisman/Light Rune/Iron Bow>>6119572>>6119577>>6119616>>6120023>Elfire/Iron Bow/Concoction/Hand Axe/Light Rune>>6119629>Elfire/Talisman>>6119641>>6119468 (open to either)Should be correct unless I'm still somehow missing something.