Quoted By:
“Although… We might still be able to narrow it down!”
You scroll through the list, keeping your eye on the “Role” column. Lots of Officers, plenty of Enginseers, a tiny clump of Bridge Staff, but nothing stands out yet.
> “How? We don’t even have the guy’s name. Maybe Inspector Redmore and Groves will have something that we can cross-reference.”
“If the ship is shuttling grain and guns between here and Harvestfall, then each member of crew probably has a function to aid in that task.”
> “Uh-huh…”
“So unless the <span class="mu-i">Breadth</span> has an unusually relaxed standard with liberty, I doubt there’d be enough free time for, say, Rosh Penin the Cargo Overseer to jump on an Arvus and be gone for six hours.”
> “Throne, you might be right! See if there’s any non-crew passengers on that list!”
You push Direct+F and type in ‘PASSENGER.’ No results. ‘TRANSIENT’ and ‘N/A’ also bring back nothing.
> “… Try “Guest?”
“Maybe we should ask the adept if there’s a Directive to <span class="mu-i">exclude</span> data.”
> “Good idea.”
Grist exits the prism. You find a group of Cargo Transfer Crew and remember that the <span class="mu-i">Breadth</span> used Halo Barges to haul cargo.
Grist returns momentarily.
> “It’s Direct+J.”
You push the types and a new prompt comes up. Typing in “Officer” causes the screen to freeze for a moment before returning with a marginally smaller document, completely devoid of entries with the “officer” role.
You repeat the process with “Captain,” “Enginseer,” “Astropath,” “Armsman,” and “Cargo.” The list incrementally reduces, until you’re left with 250 or so entries.
> “Well, it’s still a lot, but we’re a lot closer!”
Grist leans in towards the screen, patting your shoulder. The remaining roles seem to just be occupations you didn’t think of. “Ordinance Technician,” “Etherical Tech-Priest,” “Steward.” You quickly exclude those entries as well, until only a handful remain on screen.
Grist and you exchange looks.
> It can only be the…