Scampering down the hall like a dog in <span class="mu-i">dire</span> need of a potty break, you rip through the carpeted corridors and reach the <span class="mu-s">MEZZANINE</span> in record time! The <span class="mu-s">FOYER</span> is still just as empty as you and Pepper left it, which concerns you, sure, but also emboldens you to try something <span class="mu-i">NEW!</span>
With a quick hop you easily clear the banister and cleanly land on the stair guide rail! Sliding towards the first floor, you grit your teeth as you pick up speed–if Raj can do it, you think to yourself, then so can y<span class="mu-i">WOAGHAAAAAHH!!!!!!</span>
Turns out grinding down a railing in sneakers ain’t as easy as you thought. Losing your balance almost immediately, you tumble head-over-heels from the rail and land on the hard tile floor below with a sickening <span class="mu-s">CRUNCH!</span>
The bad news is that you snapped your neck and died almost instantaneously. The good news is that like we just said, it was <span class="mu-i">instant</span>--that means you didn’t really have to wait that long. Or worry about anyone seeing you mess up that bad.
Your sudden and unexpected death only adds to the utter confusion the rest of the night brings, and being dead you unfortunately don’t receive any favors, tips, or other rewards you were promised.
<span class="mu-r">GAME OVER</span>>Hope you enjoyed, folks! It was good questing again–hope to see you all in the next one!