Quoted By:
>REACTION FIRE- hh22 AB12/27LFs fire on C-1 Vix. Front Flank- ARM-2. ATK 4 vs DEF 1, 2+ to Hit. (Rolled 4, 7) Two Hits. PRC 3 vs ARM 3/4-2, potential for extra damage. (Vehicle 1 Hit for 2 damage and Destroyed, Vehicle 3 Hit for 1 damage.) (Vix KIA. Bellona Trait Lost)
>REACTION FIRE- ii24 BM-Ats fire on D-4 Gauthier. ATK 5 vs DEF 4, 4+ to Hit. (Rolled 9, 10) One Hit, One Crit. Explosive Damage 2, 1+1. 4 Damage. (Squads 2 and 3 take 2 damage)
>REACTION FIRE- D-1 Krogh attacks ii31 T-16Bs. PRC insufficient, 10s needed to hit. (Rolled 7, 8, 2, 4, 10, 3) One hit. One target knocked out.
>AMBUSH- hh34 TSU-15s roll over mined territory. (Rolled 2, 7, 4) One target destroyed.
The Desantniki Assault Battalion headquarters was abuzz with activity- rocket batteries prepared for new barrages, though the coordinates to attack were constantly shifting- much to the frustration of everybody involved. Their quarry was slippery- and fierce. Such was readily known to both the Lieutenant Colonel in charge, as well as his second in command freshly returned from viewing the front, and gathering reports.
“They’re broken up in the middle,” the second in command pointed to a map he held in one hand outside the headquarters trucks, arranged in lean-tos to accommodate the information going in and out. “Our heavy assault company is regrouping for a second push. The assault troops got mauled, so the Kusaki took what was left and they’ll commandeer the undamaged vehicles in a supporting role. With the center folding in and them split up as they are, I don’t see them staying to a fixed defense.”
“I could have done without the losses,” the Lieutenant Colonel said wearily, lighting a leaf-wrapped cigarrette made of salt-bog-aged tobacco. “The artillery’s slow and stiff as ever, and the approach was terrible. Just our luck to run headlong into their best troops. Command had better fork over the infantry protection equipment they’ve promised after this.”
“Any further orders, <span class="mu-i">Podpolnovik</span>?”
“The westerners are saying they smashed themselves good hitting them like they did. Sounds like we’re right on their tail. Push on the gaps and trap them against the sea. If a few slip out, it won’t matter. It’ll keep that freak occupied, so he’ll stop whining about his placement. God damned Vulture.” He threw his cigarette away. “Damned army air force, thinking they can’t fly here. Weather my arse, I think they’re pissing their pants about curses. Maybe the navy raiders have a different opinion…”