Quoted By:
Hey, Agents! I've... I've got movement near the elevator bays. Really good use putting those cameras up; looks like a hard patrol of tattooed people in suits just rolled into the floor all a-goosestepping. They've got "I break bones for money" coming off of them like cologne!
I've flagged them for analysis, and we'll know more in a bit. Estimates are they're definitively headed towards the door to our apartment, though! Graphite, look presentable!
They clearly don't know we know they're coming.
[Agent Ink ambles over to Agent Mammoth and taps him on the shoulder, leans over the barricade and breathes out some tension. Grins sideways. Good eyes there, Mammoth. THAT. . . is an observation post. And they've probably been at it for a while, but sheer luck of the draw you wandered over here now to look in their direction.
They're not moving right now. Definitively just in observe-and-report mode. Odds are they'll want to fire over a zipline and crash the party, given some signal or situation development. You thinking what I'm thinking?]
>Agents to act!
>Looks like that group of hardcases will KNOCK on the DOOR soon (either end of this phase or during, if you want to intercept them and talk).
See if you can convince them they've got the wrong apartment or something. If push comes to shove, spook them off.
Do not - *please* - do not start a raging firefight in the middle of the elevator lobby. Remember your de-escalation training!
>With 9 AL, you can take several minor and major actions. Movement is not restricted at the moment as no one is in Focus'd mode, so simply take whatever actions you feel appropriate.