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Gangs, huh? Like those jackasses you whalloped back at the Docks?
Volka and TT exchange a contemplative glance.
“It’s definitely their MO…” Nods Volka as she fits a few puzzles pieces together in her head, “But it’s not like they’re the only people who know how to use ice magic.”
Sure, you shrug, but it would fit, right? <span class="mu-i">Occam’s Razor</span>.
“How would they fit into a razor?” Inquires Tzah-Tzie as Volka stares at you with a perplexed look on her face.
No, it’s… it’s an <span class="mu-i">expression</span>, you groan, it basically means the simplest solution is usually the best one.
“Yea, but… but the razor…” Volka mutters, her train of thought desperately trying to roll over the log your words chucked onto her metaphorical tracks! “Did they use a magical razor?”
“Where can we get our hands on this thing, Ant?” Asks the Spinner with a renewed twinkle in her eyes! “Sounds useful!”
There <span class="mu-i">is</span> none, the razor doesn’t matter, let’s just move on, you reply in a tone dripping with defeat! Anyways, some of the neighbors might have heard something–let’s start with them!
“Yea…” The Skog replies with a slow nod, “Maybe they found a razor lying aro-”
It takes you around ten or so more minutes to convince your partners to drop the razor talk and get with the neighborhood walk. Even if they don’t like Minat, you reason mid-stride, they still might share if they noticed anything outta’ the ordinary!
“Eyes sharp, Ant,” Tzah-Tzie warns as you tromp through a pile of what feels like a pit of broken glass, “The locals can be pretty cagey around here…”
How bad could they be, you retort with a genial grin! They’ll <span class="mu-i">melt</span> once they see how charming you can be!
>Roll me 1d100-3 (+1 Footwork, +2 LIMBOOOO, -2 Dark, -4 They didn’t melt) for reasons! Best of 3!