>>5959836It takes hours for the rain to abate and the clouds to part a bit. You had to poke your sleeping guide awake so that he could take his bearings. It is a pitch black canvas with twinkling bright stars in formations unknown to you. Familiar sights like the Big Dipper, Cygnus, or Orion don't belong in this sky. Not even the moon is the same as your planet...
"Ah, Luna shows her face. Oh, and her husband Rehr is visiting her tonight." Yatagarasu sounds incredibly cheerful at the sight of the other moon.
You, on the other hand, find the additional moon to be eerie. It clearly has a fucking face with fucking eyes and a fucking mouth that looks like it was stitched together with thread.
"That's the husband of the moon?" You ask just to get further clarification.
"Moon? Oh, you mean Luna. Yes, her husband occasionally visits when he feels like it. He's rather unpredictable like that," Yatagarasu hums as he looks at the stars to get the bearings. It is clearly a commonplace occurrence for denizens of Avalon, given the way the Baphomet acts.
Soon enough, your guide announces that you are on a rock somewhere to the south of Dragon's Run. One of the nameless tiny rocks that poke out from the sea in the vast emptiness. You remember that the map Mordred drew had a particularly large empty space south towards an island called 'Cader Idris'. Actually, the 'Cader Idris' had three question marks right after the name. Does that mean that Mordred was uncertain if that was the name of the island?
"We must immediately leave this rock. Who knows when it will sink back under the waves. Meep."
Under the careful instructions of your guide, you drag rocks of various sizes to create a circle of stone. Then the mysterious ritual of the Gate begins. A portal of green energy forms in the circle, and you are instructed to jump straight in.
So you go with your cat and arrive on a familiar island. The twin island of Logres where Camelot stands. The familiar, broken white walls never seemed so welcoming until this night. Fires shine from the city, and wood smoke fills the air.
The bells ring! They know that their King has returned! An entourage of Baphomets rushes out to greet you and take you to the castle. You wearily march past the broken walls and past derelict houses as cheering goat men spread the news of your return.
You are too weary to deal with this. A warm bath, dry clothing and dinner first before rest. You have just enough energy to do one thing before dropping off to rest...
>You listen to Hanbei's census report...>Show yourself to your vassal on the castle balcony and show that you have returned safely...>Order Hanbei to invite important Baphomets to a council meeting tomorrow...>Wash out the salt in Kizaemon's fur and dry her...>Order Yatagarasu to explain about Avalon...>Request Argeste to speak with you.... (success is unlikely)>write in...