>>5454649>>5454697I'm in favor of simply using existing Imperial designs, but building them up to the original Dark Age standards upon which many of them were designed or at least based of. This will ensure a more seamless integration with existing Imperial navy assets, while at the same time showing off our prowess as a forge world and probably allow us to build more ships in number to bulk up our fleet.
When properly awoken, Imperial technology is still at the end of the day based on STC designs. Like that Land raider that helf off an Ork tank force by itself when its crew died.
So imagine ships who rather than holding hundreds of thousands of menials to slowly pull macrocannon shells into place, ones where each and every autoloader is active. Where we can dispense with thousands of servitors or crew to manually operate various ship functions and instead operate them automatically like they were designed too.
The Great Crusade did have ships that were 99.9% manned by Servitors, I forget the name I think they were Hunter-Killer ships or something.
Once we have a sizable fleet of such ships to act as a bulwark or the chaffe, then we can construct the DAoT Wunderwaffe things.