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Sometimes, all you can do is run. Cardio saves lives.
>All subjects gain +1 MP.
>You don't have to post a new character sheet with this. In fact, please don't.
>Updating New Deployment Rules to account for +1 MP!
<span class="mu-s">Adroit Movement 102</span>
MP is a bit of a curious ressource. You move with it. Each MP moves you your Alacrity, for that type of movement. Samantha has Enhanced Ground Mobility 2, and so every MP moves her 2 tiles. Many other types of movement exist.
The important distinction between MP and AP is that AP always moves you but 1 tile. MP lets you "move" further and enhances your mobility.
EVADE requires MP - you move 1 tile, but in moving with EVASION, you resolve your movement as if you are in the most optimal cover, avoid more traps, and move with stealth and grace. You can't do this with AP either.
AP and MP can both change posture, that's true, but MP really, and in the end, also unlocks the most vital ability of all:
ADROIT MOVEMENT. Trigger an Adroit check by simply spending 1 MP. You can't do this with AP - it requires Mobility to be *adroit*.
But what does it actually mean?
It means that you can spend 1 MP (or more!) to navigate the environment in a fluid, quick, careful and balanced way. This lets you jump chasms, slide through openings, acrobatically vault terrain, sprint down hallways, and use your talents in a mobility enhancing way. Adroit Mutability supercharges your oxygen utilization, sprinting. Adroit Psychogenesis floats you along like a telekinetic projectile. Adroit Augmentics lets you briefly utilize your various mobility augments - which you do have, such as magnetic clamps, hover jets and rotational joints. The same goes for everything else.
Adroit Movement lets you close distance, navigate danger or avoid trouble.
If 4 security officers are overwatching a door, rolling through it with speed and grace? That's Adroit movement
If a wide pit is full of electricity and danger? Jumping it is Adroit movement
If you want to roll under the horrendous claws of a monstrous beast? Adroit movement.
" WAIT " a subject says: "I've been using my AP against my skills to try to move myself ! "
Yes. You can try that. But the resolution of that interaction is that you are doing an *action* and do not benefit from the subtle twist that you are engaged primarily with *mobility*. You crash into walls, you snap bones, you grab and fling. This is useful if you're moving someone else. Perhaps you telekinetically boost them? Surely so. It's *dangerous* if you move yourself.
And now - you're fast.
HUSTLE let you COMMIT to MOVEMENT, and has been added to the Action List.
When you HUSTLE, your MP doubles. If your MP is 0 because you're Winded, you *gain* MP when you Hustle. This is clear on the action writeup, so don't worry about forgetting it.
Other than just moving fast, keep in mind what that means about Adroit movement. More MP buys you more chance to be Adroit.