>>5362926What you can already do is what you already know thus far. That your divine sea monster nature can rub off on humans and afflict them, because of your own humanity and similarity to them. Usually this happens to those you kill and/or eat, as your goddess would see them punished, though you also can impose it upon the living (like you did with Emil) by mixing your biology with theirs, such as biting them or making them ingest your blood. Though the living, with souls intact, will always be harder to afflict than the dead however they may prove stronger for it. And certainly more predictable, since there's random chance involved with the dead.
A more recent development and discovery though, is your own personal divine realm, currently residing metaphysically in your stomach. You learned of this, due to the revelation that you yourself could be revered as a god, independent of your mother who has her own divine realm in the deep. Like the kraken, things banished to that cursed realm within will become infused with your being overtime, and perhaps even impart their own power to you. However for what you may have in mind, like a (un)holy trial or journey of atonement, a victim human or otherwise would have to survive and return from that cursed place. This isn't such a bad thing as far as you're concerned though, sink or swim it's survival of the fittest and only the strong and worthy will endure the torments and empowerment within.
Beyond this, it's a creative endeavor similar to;
>>5359869>>5359958>>5359977>>5360168how you developed potential ideas, and what became abilities you gained. What you might come up with for bestowing power, new and different ways from what you already can, is how you might become able to do so. The more creative you can be, and who knows what you might accomplish?