Rolled 12, 18 = 30 (2d20)
>>5293140>>5293119>>5292990>>5292922>>5292918You resolve to traverse the realm of this purported beast—this ‘Devourer’—regardless of elven mumblings. After all, it may sound a fearsome thing, but you are a Dragonborn, bearer of a Fearsome Presence!
You’re not reckless about it, though. You make camp with your allies, posting a watch and attempting to divine <Guidance> as to what to expect from this dangerous realm. You close your nictitating membranes, allowing only hazy impressions of the world around you the penetrate the semi-translucent secondary eyelid, and command peace, quiet, and what relative solitude you can get in the camp environs. Your retinue obliges… Save Glowie, who sneaks back and sits next to you. She leans into you, in fact, until you give her a push and she simply settles in nearby.